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외국 멋진집(Beaumaris House by Maddison Architects)

by Black Arsene Lupin 2009. 9. 29.


대지 오른쪽 방향을 식당과 거실 전용공간으로 분할하고, 프레임으로 2층 높이로 띄워 조망권을 확보했으며,
징크 종류의 외장재로 박스 포장하듯이 감싸는 방식으로 프라이버시 보호 및 방수처리 등, 효율성과 디자인이 돋보이는 맘에 드는 집~

독특한 구조로, 휴식공간이 침실과 활동공간이 식당, 거실을 2중 분할하여 외관의 독창성도 남다른 것 같음

Beaumaris House by Maddison Architects

Australiais the best place to find interesting and inspiring idea in dream homeand residential projects. From their beautiful topography, landscape,their well known, great architects and wealth of some people doingtheir work. Maddison Architects designed this house in the Beaumaris suburb of Melbourne, Australia.

From Maddison Architects:

Formally, the house is split into two rectangular boxes. The black,zinc-clad southern box encloses living, kitchen and outdoor spaces, andcantilevers out beyond its ground floor enclosure to capture 270° PortPhillip Bay views. The discrete activities of the house, such assleeping and bathing, are accommodated with the separate masonrynorthern wing.
